The Guintas – 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration!

I think that once you’ve been married for any length of time, you have great admiration for those who have been married for 50 years.    Marriage can be tough…as a couple, you really do experience times of ‘better’ and ‘worse’, times of ‘sickness’ and ‘health’, times when you are ‘rich’ and times when you are ‘poor’.  And when two people truly honor the vows they made on their wedding day – and stick together for 50 years, it’s truly something to celebrate.

The Giuntas have done just that…and their family celebrated their 50th Anniversary earlier this year in Chicago!  This beautiful couple enjoyed a fun dinner with their children and their families – and a surprise evening at the opera!  May God grant them many more happy years together!

Here are a few photos from that fun evening…

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