My family photos…

What a weekend our family had!  Friday night, my husband and I played shuffleboard in Chicago for the first time while our kids stayed with Nana (Shuffleboard was really fun!).  We got home later than we had anticipated, so the kids and I were a bit tired for a Junior Bible Quiz meet we had early Saturday out in Naperville, but we were fine.  I was very proud of our JBQ team and how it did overall.  I love JBQ (and Teen Bible Quiz) and am so happy my kids are involved in it at our church.

So – after church yesterday, I think the weekend caught up to me and I was super tired.  Truth be told, I didn’t feel like doing anything but taking a nap, but my husband suggested taking a hike.  And not wanting our Sunday to just turn into an afternoon in front of the TV, I agreed.  Well, we didn’t exactly take a hike, but we did walk around Lake Katherine in Palos Heights…what a lovely place!!  It had been many years since I’d been there for a wedding reception at the clubhouse, and, at the time, I didn’t get to explore the grounds.  Lake Katherine is gorgeous.  The kids had fun wandering around and we took some nice photos of everyone….BUT – I realized in the car on the way home that we hadn’t gotten a photo of our family together…one group shot! 😧 UGH

Still – it was a lovely afternoon with my family.  Every time I stop to think about it, I am in awe of how God has blessed me.  I am thankful to Him for a husband who loves me and kids who are always amazing me with how awesome they are.  Of course, things aren’t perfect.  We have our moments where our personalities and opinions clash, and life takes some crazy, unhappy turns from time to time.  But – how can I be anything but thankful to a God who has given me ‘grace on top of grace’.  He has saved me, He loves me, and is truly worthy of all I can give to him.

“Were the whole realm of nature mine,
That were a present far too small;
Love so amazing, so divine,
Demands my soul, my life, my all!”

(When I Survey the Wonderous Cross, Isaac Watts, pub. 1707)

Yes…this is so, so true!


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