The Grigg Boys, Kids Portrait Photographer, Frankfort IL

It’s kind of depressing looking out the window at the moment…its really cold, gray, dreary.  Much to my dismay, several of the weekends in October were much the same, and planned photo sessions had to be rescheduled.  However, on the 21st, we had the ideal weekend, and I was busy (yay!)!  Photos from those sessions have all been edited, galleries have been delivered, and I’m now just working to catch up with the blog posts!  Why – on a rainy day like today, there’s no better project than working on the blog.

Here are highlights from one of the sessions from that beautiful weekend.  I just want to start off by complimenting the parents of these three handsome boys.  Their adorable smiles and contagious laughter, of course, made them a joy to photograph, but I appreciated their sweetness towards each other even more.  The baby was so loving and the oldest spoke to his little brothers with such patience and love.  It really touched my heart.

When we’re in the midst of day to day struggles, I think it’s easy to be overwhelmed with our job as parents and become discouraged.  We try our best, but we’re really not sure if we’re doing anything right.  I feel like that from time to time, so when people come up to me complimenting my kids, their words are a blessing to me!  That said, I hope this post blesses the hearts of these little guys’ parents as well.  They are wonderful boys and you are doing an awesome job.  I really was so very impressed!


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