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Senior Photography Orland Park IL

Myriam – Senior Pictures in Orland Park

Well, I must say, I think I really love photographing seniors! Up to this point, I haven't been asked to do a senior portrait session, so I'm excited to have had four opportunities this year!This past Saturday, I had a great time photographing the lovely Myriam...our families know each other from church, actually! Myriam has always impressed me...she sings beautifully (just like her mom and dad!), in active in drama and the Madrigals at her school, is hard at work in various AP classes, and is involved with the you[...]

The Modders – Family Photos at Centennial Park in Tinley Park IL

Oh, day you're freezing cold with gusty winds and flurries.  And on other're beautiful, warm and golden!  I'm thankful that the photo session for the Modder family took place on the latter.  I couldn't have asked for a more lovely afternoon for taking pictures of this beautiful family!!  We laughed a lot and enjoyed walking around this spot in Tinley Park where the fall colors were about the most spectacular I've ever seen![...]

Madisen – Senior Photo Session in Lockport IL

Here is an old photo of me and my niece, Madisen.  Look how little and adorable she is. 😍  Madisen was my parents' first grandbaby...the first daughter of my brother Daniel and my sister-in-law Heather. was a pretty big deal when she was born.  There was quite a large group of people who came to the hospital to  welcome her into the world. I loved being an aunt...and I totally loved taking pictures of Madisen as a kid.  It was actually one particular photo I took of her looking out a window th[...]

Lillian – Senior Pictures in Downtown Frankfort IL

Well, here is my very first Senior Photo Session!! Lillian is a Senior at Bartlett High School...a softball player and a viola player who plans to study music education after high school.  Now, my kids are learning violin, cello, guitar and piano, so music is a big part of the Costello household.  I really loved that Lillian's thinking about teaching and sharing her love of music with kids someday. I have to admit I was a bit nervous for this session - simply because I hadn't done a senior session before.  My[...]