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Madisen – Senior Photo Session in Lockport IL

Here is an old photo of me and my niece, Madisen.  Look how little and adorable she is. 😍  Madisen was my parents' first grandbaby...the first daughter of my brother Daniel and my sister-in-law Heather. was a pretty big deal when she was born.  There was quite a large group of people who came to the hospital to  welcome her into the world. I loved being an aunt...and I totally loved taking pictures of Madisen as a kid.  It was actually one particular photo I took of her looking out a window th[...]

Lillian – Senior Pictures in Downtown Frankfort IL

Well, here is my very first Senior Photo Session!! Lillian is a Senior at Bartlett High School...a softball player and a viola player who plans to study music education after high school.  Now, my kids are learning violin, cello, guitar and piano, so music is a big part of the Costello household.  I really loved that Lillian's thinking about teaching and sharing her love of music with kids someday. I have to admit I was a bit nervous for this session - simply because I hadn't done a senior session before.  My[...]

A Homecoming Beauty – New Lenox IL Portrait Photographer

Homecoming took place last week here in New Lenox.  It was all very exciting - and this young lady's mom had an excellent idea.  She scheduled a quick photo session for her daughter to capture how her 'Cinderella' looked once she was dressed and ready for her big night.  How fun!!! Her dress - beautiful.  Oh, and I loved those pretty shoes! :-)  Elise looked stunning and I hope she had a fun, memorable time![...]