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The Neuhaus Kids – Frankfort IL Photographer

A hockey player, a gymnast, and an ice skater...I've known these awesome kids for about seven years (we used to be neighbors!) and, looking at them now, I can't believe how accomplished they are at such a young age.  My kids have missed them since we moved and I have missed talking and laughing with their mom at the bus stop! 😂  Needless to say, I'm happy we still get to see them from time to time. It will be so exciting to see where life takes these wonderful, talented kids...[...]

The Malone Family – Forest Preserve Family Photos in St. Charles IL

There was a girl I knew years ago who was in the youth group at Calvary Church in Naperville.  I was one of the youth leaders there at the time and she was in my group.  We became friends and had lots of fun talking, singing together, riding around in my jeep, and just hanging out.  She actually sang at my wedding!!Courtney was one in a million, that's for sure, and it was an honor for me to have her in my group.Now, she is a mom herself with a loving husband and three beautiful kids.  Her friendship was a bles[...]

Standard vs. Mounted Prints…what’s the difference?

I really love printing my photos and I LOVE having them displayed on my walls at home.  They're snapshots of my childhood, friends, family, my wedding, my kids...everything I have loved about my life.  How could they not make me smile whenever I walk by them? Because I love prints so much, I want it to be easy for you to get your family photos displayed around your home too!  So, after your family pictures are taken and you get the link to your gallery, you can order prints without leaving the site..[...]

The Day Family – Baby’s 1-Year Birthday Photos, Downtown Frankfort IL

Babies are awesome - that's pretty much all I need to say.  I would love to have more of my own, but - alas - I'm getting older and I'm tired a lot. That said, I think that I'll just continue spending time with families who've been blessed with little ones and just keep snapping photos of them.  Take the Day family, for example...their beautiful baby girl was just a few weeks shy of her 1st Birthday!  She was bravely standing up on her own, and...oh so close to walking!  She is accomplishing so much during thi[...]

The Guintas – 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration!

I think that once you've been married for any length of time, you have great admiration for those who have been married for 50 years.    Marriage can be a couple, you really do experience times of 'better' and 'worse', times of 'sickness' and 'health', times when you are 'rich' and times when you are 'poor'.  And when two people truly honor the vows they made on their wedding day - and stick together for 50 years, it's truly something to celebrate. The Giuntas have done just that...and their family c[...]

Welcome Baby Luke!! Chicago Area Newborn Photographer

Do you know what I really miss in my life?  Babies.Why am I thinking about babies today?  Simple.  Get a load of this gorgeous little guy...Mr. Luke. /*! elementor - v3.9.2 - 21-12-2022 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=".svg"]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block} /*! elementor - v3.9.2 - 21-12-2022 */ .element[...]

The Freyer Family – Palos Heights IL Family Photographer

In December of 2016, a lovely couple got married and had their wedding photos taken in a beautiful forest preserve in Palos Heights IL.  There was snow all around. One year later, this couple wanted to revisit that spot for photos and include their four beautiful dogs - three huskies and a schih tzu!  And for these photos, they really wanted snow on the ground - just like they had for their wedding photos.  A great idea!!  The only problem?  We were well into December and we hadn't gotten snow yet.  Cold? [...]

The MacFarlane Family – Manhattan IL Family Photographer

Well, I hope everyone had a wonderful new year celebration!  This is the second day of 2018 and I'm getting caught up on some things - like my updates to this site!  It's been very nice to take some days off during the holiday season.  I had a wonderful Christmas and hope you did as well!  Now, as a new year is starting, I pray that the Lord will bless and keep you all in his care each day of 2018.Near the end of November (Black Friday to be exact), I had the pleasure of meeting the MacFarlane family for a phot[...]

The Cross Family – Frankfort IL Family Photographer

I don't know if this will ever change for me, but I get pretty nervous before each photo session I do.  I suppose it's because of so many unknowns that swirl around in my head...will the family be nice?  What if I don't get good shots?  What if something goes wrong with my camera?, etc. Lots of unknowns. Well, none of those 'worst case scenarios' I've imagined has ever happened.  And, I'm so, so thankful that the families that I've met have always been so warm and friendly - and a total pleasure to work with.[...]

The Clark Family – Fall Family Photo Session, Lincoln Landing, Lockport IL Photographer

This blog post has a little extra adventure!  The Clark Family and I met in downtown Lockport for their photo session - Lincoln Landing to be exact.   As we walked, a man came up to us and told us to be on the look out for some painted rocks that were hidden all around.  Painted rocks?!?  Hmmm....interesting!!  He pointed to where we could find one...and the Clark's little guy quickly ran over and found it.  Turns out, there's a whole Facebook community dedicated to finding, repainting and re-hiding these li[...]