Well, I must say, I think I really love photographing seniors! Up to this point, I haven’t been asked to do a senior portrait session, so I’m excited to have had four opportunities this year!
This past Saturday, I had a great time photographing the lovely Myriam…our families know each other from church, actually! Myriam has always impressed me…she sings beautifully (just like her mom and dad!), in active in drama and the Madrigals at her school, is hard at work in various AP classes, and is involved with the youth group as well (and probably even more activities that I just don’t know about). I look at her life and instantly feel like I need a nap, but she does it all…and every time I’ve seen her at church, she’s smiling.
In this crazy time of her life – filled with tests, performances, too much homework and endless studying – I pray that she’ll keep her eyes on Jesus. And I pray that she will allow the One who has blessed her with so many talents and gifts to guide her steps each day…especially now as she prepares for a new phase of her life once high school is over. How awesome that God already knows where she is going…and that he delights in the path He has set before her.
The steps of a man are ordered by the LORD, and He delights in his way.
(Psalm 37:23)