The Gray Family – St. James Farm, Warrenville IL Family Photographer

Hello!  I hope you’ve had a great summer.  I can’t believe it’s almost over!  Just like most kids in the area this week, my three were dreading the first day of school (though I know they were excited about it at the same time).  I know we’re not quite halfway through week one, but so far, so good.  They all seem happy and are enjoying their classes so far!  🙂

As a last hurrah before the end of summer vacation, I had the pleasure of getting together with my brother’s family for some photos!  His family has had a very busy summer as well, so I’m happy we could get together before his kids started school.  I have three brothers and I love them – and their families – so much.  We all live relatively close to each other too, so it’s great that our kids get to see each other often.  My kids love their cousins (on both sides of the family)!!

We all met at St. James Farm in Warrenville – what a beautiful place!  None of us had ever been here before, so it was a lot of fun to just walk around and explore!  If you’re interested in a family photo session, this is a lovely spot!


Wheaton Family Photographer - St. James Farm

Beautiful family, right?  I love them. 💕

School may have started, but it’s still technically summer and it’s still beautiful out – a great time for a family photo session!  If you’re looking to capture images of your family at the beginning of this new school year, just quickly fill out the form below.  Let’s get together before the busy fall season starts! 🙂

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