The Hoseys had a very special reason for their recent photo session…they were celebrating their 10th Wedding Anniversary! What a wonderful idea!! Truly, so much changes in that span of time and it’s so easy to not stop and take a moment to look back and give thanks for the many blessings that you enjoyed through the years. Thankfully, photos help you stop and take those moments. It’s when you’re looking through your photos (on the walls of your home, on your phone, wherever) that it really hits you how much has changed…or, perhaps, how much has stayed the same through the years. It was pretty apparent to me (and I don’t believe I’m wrong) that this beautiful couple is just as in love with each other today as they were on their wedding day…probably even more! And I believe their love shows through in their lovely family.
It was truly a pleasure to meet them and their gorgeous girls, and I hope they had a wonderful time celebrating this milestone in their lives! May God continue to bless them richly and guide their steps each day.