The MacFarlane Family – Manhattan IL Family Photographer
Well, I hope everyone had a wonderful new year celebration! This is the second day of 2018 and I’m getting caught up on some things – like my updates to this site! It’s been very nice to take some days off during the holiday season. I had a wonderful Christmas and hope you did as well! Now, as a new year is starting, I pray that the Lord will bless and keep you all in his care each day of 2018.
Near the end of November (Black Friday to be exact), I had the pleasure of meeting the MacFarlane family for a photo session in Lockport IL. Rainy weather and sickness had made our original session dates fall through a couple of times, but, we finally got a perfect day – I think it was in the 50s (which seems so warm and toasty in comparison to the below-zero weather we’ve been experiencing these days)! Anyway, the MacFarlane’s were a joy to hangout with. Kerri had mentioned that their youngest had just turned 2 and that the ‘terrible twos’ were upon them. Would he be in a smiley mood or not?…that was the question. Well, I’m happy to say we saw his adorable smile many times throughout the session, no problem…thanks to his fun-loving family who wasn’t a bit hesitant to be silly and have fun to help him laughing and in a happy mood – which, of course, made my job easy! 🙂