The Mangun Family – Fall Family Mini Session, New Lenox IL Photographer

Oh, kiddos….they’re the absolute best. 💕

I think that trying to get kids to smile is truly one of the most fun aspects of having this photography business!  I love to talk with kids, be silly around them, and I make a point to allow them to have a good time.  I don’t expect them to want to sit and pose for traditional family group shots…nope, not a bit.  But, do you know what?  That’s actually perfect.  I don’t want my photos to be look so posed.  A few posed shots are fine, but to be honest, I really want to get away from that as much as possible.  Here’s why…some of the most treasured moments in my life right now are when my kids (ages 12, 10 and 9) cuddle with me.  They want to snuggle close…they want me to rub their backs and they still love it when I tickle them.  I wish with all my heart that these kinds of moments could continue forever, but I know they won’t.

But that’s what’s so special about photography.  Those moments aren’t gone forever!  This quote sums it up perfectly…

Awesome, right?  Photography can capture the love and emotion between a mom and dad and their little ones….making a few precious moments ‘stay’ forever.  I love that so much.  So – little ones are welcomed to be little ones…running and jumping, snuggling with mom, taking a walk with dad…it’s all good.  That’s really what I hope to capture in my photo sessions.

All that being said, let’s get to the highlights of session from last week!  It was great fun to meet and photograph the Mangun family.  Bree was a little nervous about how their two little ones would be during the session, but – everything turned out great in the end.  Though I tried my best with the littlest one, he never really warmed up to me, but that’s ok.  I was able to catch the smiles a nd fun he was having with mom and dad…and that’s really all I wanted.  On the other hand, I enjoyed conversing with the older little guy about dinosaurs and about how I thought I had seen a Pterodactyl flying around just a few days before.  Thinking back, I believe it was a really large crane, but when I first saw it – ‘Pterodactyl’ is actually what popped into my mind.

Anyway – here are highlights from this beautiful family’s photo session:

In case you’re curious to see how some of these cute photos would look framed and displayed on a wall, here’s a little glimpse of nine of my favorite shots in a Storytelling Frame.  What an elegant way to show off multiple images from your session!  If you’re interested in something like this for your family’s photos, just let me know!

And if you’re interested in a fall family session, just email me at [email protected]!


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